The challenges that come along with our precious children can send us over the edge if we don't know a better way. There's nothing wrong with not knowing a better way. Most of us don't know what's coming until it hits us. And that's okay. But the scramble to catch up and be the mom we want to be is a challenge. Enter connection. Connection is the answer, because it opens your heart and mind to solutions that are meant for YOU and YOUR children. Join Rebecca Brown Wright, parent educator and reformed yeller, in discussion about connection in motherhood, finding your purpose, smashing cultural narratives, and so much more as we learn how to put joy, connection, and confidence back into our lives.
Monday Mar 08, 2021
13 Easyish Ways to Connect with Your Kids
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Easy-ish is the key word here. There are tons of elaborate ways to connect (and I love those ways too!).
But this episode is a little different. It’s about taking the ordinary things you’re already doing, and figuring out how to turn them into connections that can have a deeply positive impact on your relationship with your child.
Mentioned in this episode: Back-and-forth journal for parents and kids
Monday Mar 01, 2021
What to Do When Your Kid Freaks Out
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Your kid is melting down and your heart is beating fast. You're feeling scared, anxious, or angry. You know yelling is going to intensify the situation, but you don't know what else to do. Try this yell-free plan to transform meltdowns, freak-outs, and intense situations in your family.
Thanks for listening. This is the home of the back-and-forth journal and Pause and Connect Academy where you can learn to stop yelling, get your kids to listen, and discover your true strengths.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Why You Feel Like a Bad Mom - and How to Not
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Why is "mom guilt" so prevalent in our society? Is it something we just have to accept and deal with, or can we do something to step away from it?
Listen in, as we talk about why we need to reject the narrative society has written for us and how connection can help us feel more secure as mothers.
Referenced in this episode:
Podcast Episode 3: Housekeeping Is Not Motherhood
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
The Big Mistake Parents Make When Trying to Teach a Lesson
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
What are you supposed to do when your kids act defiant or make a mistake? Common parenting advice tells us we need to "teach them a lesson" with consequences they won't forget.
Listen in as we break down this framing and replace it with a more helpful approach. You can actually help your children learn the lessons they need to learn without consequences, yelling, or anger. Here's one way to do that.
Mentioned in this episode: Why Consequences Don't Work for Kids with ADHD
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Don't Dread the Teen Years -- Fun Ways to Connect and Enjoy This Time
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Everyone tells you terror stories about the teen years. And while it's undoubtedly a different time with new challenges, teenagers don't need to be feared. This can be a positive time!
Listen in as my special guest, Lydia Jeanne, and I share dozens of ideas for connecting with your teen. We turned to friends and family for ideas, and they delivered! You're bound to walk away with new motivation, new ideas, and new strategies -- no matter your stage of parenting.
Referenced in this episode: Back-and-forth journal for caregivers and kids
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Listen. Stop Trying to Solve Everything!
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
There's a parenting mistake most of us make without realizing it - and most of us are making the mistake as we're trying to do the right thing!
Listen in to hear how I made this common mistake, and how I WISH I had handled the situation instead. And walk away with four simple steps to ensure you make this mistake far less often in your interactions with your kids.
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Housekeeping is Not Motherhood
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
When my post, "Housekeeping Is Not Motherhood," went viral, I learned a lot about women and men around the world, based on their reactions to the post. I learned that many women are hurting because of the narrative that housekeeping is equivalent to motherhood, and I learned that some people just don't want to give that narrative up.
Listen in, as I share insightful, eye-opening, relatable, and even some gosh-darn disgusting/frustrating comments that show we still have so far to go.
This is a fun one. Don't miss it.
Referenced in this episode:
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
2. Society Says to Control Your Child. Say No
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Our society tells us we need to control our children, but when we adopt this mindset, we end up driving a divide in our relationships. In this episode, I encourage you to challenge the narrative by replacing control with connection.
You'll also walk away with one great takeaway for how to do make this adjustment TODAY. And you'll hear examples of how the traditional control approach looks, and how a connected approach could look instead.
Referenced in the episode:
Instagram: @PauseAndConnect
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
1. #MomFail Doesn't Exist
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
#MomFail culture is causing us damage. You're not a failure as a mom, and my greatest hope is that I can convince you of this truth. Listen in to hear how #momfail, while most often meant to be funny, is actually causing us to communicate some really dangerous things about ourselves and motherhood in general.
And get a helpful action step to help you walk away from the #momfail culture and renew and strengthen your love for yourself.
Referenced in this episode: Housekeeping Is Not Motherhood